Friday, February 19, 2010

A letter to my will-be husband

Dear Adam,

I was thinking tonight about what I'd write on our blog. After all I started this thing to chronicle our lives together. Tomorrow we will cement that. But it's been ages since I last updated it. I could talk about my bridals, that were arranged in a matter of three days, or I could talk about how the stress of this wedding has sent me crying in tears a number of times or even about how our family dinner with your family went so well. But after thinking about all those plans, actions and results I realized that it all comes down to you.

I'm not nervous. Lots of people have asked me about that. But what they don't seem to understand is that I know exactly what I'm getting with you. I am getting someone who loves me so much, he'll put his wants aside. I'm getting someone who loves me so much that he can't wait to see me each and every morning to kiss me hello. I'm getting someone who is willing to work his butt off so that we can be taken care of, provided for and still get the little extra things we want but don't need.

I am getting my best friend for the rest of my life. You love me when I'm happy, silly, cranky and just down right rude. And you somehow see past all of that. You're the one I call when I have amazing news. You're the one I want to hug me when I'm not feeling my best. You're the one I want to tell me everything is going to be just fine if I will just take deep breaths.

I call you boyband. It's a fun nickname I've had for you for over a year. I knew pretty early on in our relationship that you would one day be my husband. But for the time being you were only my boyfriend. Hence "Boy"friend and hus"band" were joined.

Tomorrow is that day. And although it's been a tough road to travel down the past three years, I wouldn't change it. Even the heart wrenching breakup taught me a lot about you and myself.

Life will be hard Adam. I can't promise I'll always be kind, sweet and loving. But I know you already know that and don't care. When things get rough, I hope I can remember how I'm feeling right now at this very moment. Your smile brings me such joy and your kisses make me melt. You are supportive and fiercely loyal to me.

I love you boyband and I'll see you in the morning.
